If you find that your identity has been stolen, it's a good idea to run a search report on yourself. This way, if the person who stole your information has been using it and has received anything in the mail, you can find the addresses used. It's well worth the few bucks for the report!
I agree kittyjack - I had the same thing happen to me, but I used another company to do it. I don't remember their name, but I do remember that the addresses that I didn't recognize were the ones where the credit card bills were going to. It helped me provide proof that I didn't do it, which was awesome!
Nat, I actually take extreme measures to prevent my identity from being stolen, and have even been accused of being paranoid. It was just a sarchastic comment on my part, perhaps the post was intended to encourage comments, but there was no content to the post, which just made me think that some people would get the wrong idea about the question posed.
Your blog is actually great, and don't let the spammers discourage you from posting!! Keep up the work, your blog is a wonderful way to educate your readers. Just my way of saying "thanks!"
A practicing systems engineer for many years, it occured to me that, while most people are aware of the identity theft threat, they don't know what to do to protect themselves on or off the internet. In addition to this blog, my book on this topic is published and details what you need to know to "fade from view."
If you find that your identity has been stolen, it's a good idea to run a search report on yourself. This way, if the person who stole your information has been using it and has received anything in the mail, you can find the addresses used. It's well worth the few bucks for the report!
I agree kittyjack - I had the same thing happen to me, but I used another company to do it. I don't remember their name, but I do remember that the addresses that I didn't recognize were the ones where the credit card bills were going to. It helped me provide proof that I didn't do it, which was awesome!
I'm sorry, are we supposed to be encouraging identity theft?
In response to "thinsurface," you encourage identity theft simply by not taking protective measures.
Nat, I actually take extreme measures to prevent my identity from being stolen, and have even been accused of being paranoid. It was just a sarchastic comment on my part, perhaps the post was intended to encourage comments, but there was no content to the post, which just made me think that some people would get the wrong idea about the question posed.
Your blog is actually great, and don't let the spammers discourage you from posting!! Keep up the work, your blog is a wonderful way to educate your readers. Just my way of saying "thanks!"
To thin surface: I was hoping that your comment was as you said and hoped to "draw you out." You are not paranoid, you are realistic.
To: johnny: Thanks. Education is our only defense.
To all: The deleted comments were advertisements from "junk" companies looking for a free ride.
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